Home Certifications

The company “Runo Kazanlak” AD was registered as an agricultural producer in June 2008.

“Runo-Kazanlak” AD has the GLOBAL G.A.P. certification.

The company is licensed by the State Commission of Water and Energy Regulation –  license No. L-133-01/10.05.2004.


Certification of  “Runo-Kazanlak” AD from the system  „GLOBAL G.A.P.” for 2011

Certification of  “Runo-Kazanlak” AD from the system „GLOBAL G.A.P.”  for 2012

Certification of  “Runo-Kazanlak” AD from the system „GLOBAL G.A.P.”  for 2013

Certification of  “Runo-Kazanlak” AD from the system „GLOBAL G.A.P.”  for 2014

Certification of  “Runo-Kazanlak” AD from the system „GLOBAL G.A.P.”  for 2015

Certification of  “Runo-Kazanlak” AD from the system „GLOBAL G.A.P.”  for 2016 


